G.I. Joe #17
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
 G.I. JOE v3 #17

Cover Date:
April, 2010

Chuck Dixon
Robert Atkins
Inks: Clayton Brown
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Colors: Andrew Crossley

Cover Artists:
(3 covers) David Williams and Kelsey Shannon (x2); Robert Atkins and Andrew Crossley

Assistant Editor:
Carlos Guzman
Andy Schmidt

Summary: "Snake Eyes is once again under the tutelage of his mentor the Hard Master, but to make himself whole once again, the silent Joe must find a student of his own. Also, Destro is banished to a remote COBRA gulag and if you think he's going to stay there, well, you don't know James McCullen Destro."

Alternate covers: