G.I. Joe #27
Sunday, 26 June 2011

 G.I. JOE v3 #27

Cover Date:
February, 2011

Chuck Dixon
Robert Atkins and Allan Goldman
Inker: Clayton Brown, Juan Castro and Eber Ferreira
Letters: Robbie Robbins
Colors: Andrew Crossley

Cover Artists:
(2 covers) Robert Atkins, Clayton Brown and Andrew Crossley; Tom Whalen

Assistant Editor:
Carlos Guzman
Andy Schmidt

Summary: ""M.A.S.S. DESTRUCTION" concludes here with Snake Eyes and Helix stranded at the top of the world in a desperate battle against time, the elements and COBRA. Expect an armored vehicle battle on the frozen wastes of an Arctic wasteland like youíve never seen before. And a chilling shock ending you never thought you'd see!"

Alternate covers: