ca 2,000 BBY

The Republic's Draggulch period begins, lasting for one thousand years. The era is marked by a drastic decline in the Republic's political and economic power, which leads to lawlessness around the galaxy. During the crisis, several Jedi serve as Supreme Chancellor.
The New Essential Chronology.
A rogue Jedi called Darth Ruin founds a new Sith Order, a cult of the Dark Side of the Force.
The Phantom Menace novel; Vader: The Definitive Guide.
The New Sith Wars begin. The devastating wars are a series of conflicts that happen over the next thousand years, pitting the Jedi against the new Sith.
Star Wars Insider #80: "The History of the Mandalorians".
The Gen'Dai who will come to be known as the bounty hunter Durge is born. Databank.
Incom Industries, a major starship and vehicle manufacturer, is founded on the planet Fresia.
The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia.
The Cha'wen'he race is first encountered by the Republic.
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies, via Time Tales.
Settlers arrive on the planet Hargeeva, located in the Pelonat system.
Star Wars Adventure Journal #8: "Firepower", via Time Tales.
A humanoid race adopts the Bimm culture and is integrated into Bimm society.
The Essential Guide to Alien Species.
1,989 BBY
Construction begins on Foamwander City on Mon Calamari.
Dark Apprentice.