490 BBY

The Arkanians perform brain-enhancement surgery on their simple-minded Yaka neighbors, increasing their intelligence.
The Essential Guide to Alien Species.
The Corporate Sector is formed, encompassing dozens of unexplored worlds.
The Essential Guide to Alien Species.

482 BBY

Ikrit begins Jedi training as Yoda's apprentice.
Junior Jedi Knights: Anakin's Quest, via Time Tales.
481 BBY
Ikrit returns home to Kushiba, where he saves his people from a xinkra.
Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress, via Time Tales.
470 BBY
The Corellian sector temporarily withdraws from the Republic.
The New Essential Chronology.
450 BBY
Ikrit nearly kills a fellow Jedi with his lightsaber over an argument. Guilty about what he has done, he buries his lightsaber and never uses it again.
Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress, via Time Tales.
437 BBY
390 BrS:3:18
An Ithorian genetic experiment creates a parasitic monster known as "Spore".
Galaxy of Fear: Spore; Holonet News #52.