28 BBY

Jedi Quest: Path to Truth
(Del Rey Books - Aug 2001)
Jedi Quest
(#1-4 - Dark Horse Comics - Sept-Dec 2001)
Soontir Fel is born on an Agro-combine on Corellia.
X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel and Masquerade. Eighteen years before he entered the Academy, ten years before Episode IV. Assumes Fel was in Han's class, since they knew each other at the Academy.
Halla Ettyk is born on Alderaan. She will later become a well-known prosecutor, and later joins Rebel Alliance counter intelligence.
X-Wing: The Krytos Trap, via Time Tales.
Palpatine wins reelection to the post of Chancellor.
"Holonet News", Star Wars Insider.

27 BBY

Jedi Quest:
The Way of the Apprentice
(Scholastic Books - May 2002)
Chancellor Palpatine approves the senate measure to sponsor the Outbound Flight Project, a mission to explore the unknown regions and pierce the galactic barrier.
"Holonet News", Star Wars Insider.
Outbound Flight
(Del Rey Books - Feb 2006)
Jedi Quest:
-----The Trail of the Jedi
-----The Dangerous Games
(Scholastic Books - May-Aug 2002)
Han Solo, nearly 3 years old and an orphan, is rescued from the streets of Corellia by pirate captain Garris Shrike.
The Paradise Snare.
On Tatooine, Watto sells Shmi Skywalker to moisture farmer Cliegg Lars. Cliegg and Shmi eventually fall in love, she is freed, and they are soon married. They live with Cliegg's son, Owen.
Episode II novelization and Time Tales.
Jango Fett
(Dark Horse Comics - March 2002)
Zam Wesell
(Dark Horse Comics - March 2002)
Dark Horse Comics' timeline.
Sarin Virgilio (future New Republic captain) is born on Masterra.
The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook, via Time Tales.
Chancellor Palpatine has Seti Ashgad -- a political rival -- kidnapped and stranded on the prison world Nam Chorios. Ashgad overthrows Beldorian the Hutt, the Force-trained leader of the planet.
Planet of Twilight.

26 BBY

Jedi Quest: The School of Fear
(Scholastic Books - Feb 2003)
A group of Dark Jedi are involved in an uprising in the Bpfassh system. Some are stopped on the planet Dagobah by Jedi Master Yoda.

Jorj Car'das' private ship is commandeered by one of the Dark Jedi during the uprising.
First mentioned in Heir to the Empire. Date and Car'das involvement established in Vision of the Future.
The Senate modifies the Republic constitution to allow Chancellor Palpatine to remain in power to help end the threat of Count Dooku's Separatist movement.
"Holonet News", Star Wars Insider.
Daala (future Imperial Admiral) is born.
Planet of Twilight.
Yeorg Captison becomes a Bakuran Senator.
Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, via Time Tales.