25,793 BBY

"Force Storm"
(Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi #1-5 - Dark Horse Comics - Feb-June 2012)
Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void
(Del Rey Books - May 2013)
"The Prisoner of Bogan"
(Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi #6-10 - Dark Horse Comics - Nov 2012-May 2013)
25,792 BBY
"Force War"
(Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi #11-15 - Dark Horse Comics - Nov 2013-Mar 2014)
ca 25,783 BBY
The Jedi Order, a monastic society dedicated to peace and justice, is established on Ossus by followers of the light side of the Force who survived the Force War.
Galactic timeline - Star Wars: The Old Republic website.
ca 25,200 BBY
The Rakatan's Infinite Empire collapses due to a plague that killed billions and the civil war that followed. Those not killed by the virus lose their ability to use the Force. Over the centuries, the Rakata will devolve in barbarism and forget how to use their technology.
Knights of the Old Republic; The New Essential Chronology.
The planet Metellos is settled by a sublight colonization vessel, probably from Coruscant.
Coruscant and the Core Worlds Sourcebook, via Time Tales.
ca 25,180 BBY
Queen Rana Mas Trehalt is born on the planet Duro.
The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.
The planet Metellos is settled by a sublight colonization vessel, probably from Coruscant.
Coruscant and the Core Worlds Sourcebook, via Time Tales.
ca 25,130 BBY
The planet Kintan is nearly destroyed by a series of civil wars fought among the Nikto races.
Galaxy Guide 12 and Star Wars Adventure Journal, via The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia.
The tyrant Xim the Despot begins his reign as leader of an empire based on the planet Dellalt.
The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.
ca 25,105 BBY
The First Battle of Vontor. The Hutts destroy one of Xim the Despot's fleets at Vontor in the Si'klaata Cluster.
The New Essential Chronology. Twenty-five years into Xim's reign.
ca 25,100 BBY
The Third Battle of Vontor. The conqueror of a vast region of space, Xim the Despot, is overthrown by a group led by Kossak the Hutt.
Han Solo and the Lost Legacy and Time Tales.
ca 25,020 BBY
Corellian scientists perfect the Rakatans' hyperdrive, incorporating technology-based workarounds for components that had needed the Force to operate.
The New Essential Chronology; The Essential Guide to Alien Species.